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Independent Musicians

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Imagine a world where music is judged and based on talent. It's kind of hard to imagine isn't it, but that world does exist it's the world of Independent Music. In this world music is driven by talent, and raw passion. It's about the music not the money, not the fame, but simply the music.



The Butchies

Accursed Blessing


Group Sex

Loreena McKennitt



Ginger Mackenzie

Mad Violet

Leslie Helpert

Erin Smith Band


Emma Wall

The Witching

Doria Roberts

Miranda Stone

Painting Daisies

Pamela Means

Alix Olson

Julie Clark

Jim Boyd

Michelle Malone

E. Cooper Seay

Wendy Bucklew

Tim Aaron

Ian Webber


Hidden Tracks

Jenny Toomey

Ladyfest South

Gentle Readers

Big Fish Ensemble


Cowboy Envy

Dede Vogt

Ana Egge

Thrive - A compilation to benefit Atlanta Youth Pride

Forever Dusty - A tribute to Dusty Springfield

Viva la Diva

Danielle Howle

Rowan and Tinne

Vinyl record

Imagine a record label run by artists not lawyers!!!
Daemon Records 10 years of Indie greatness!!!